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  • arsh007
    02-01 11:38 AM
    Looks like there is now an increasing awareness of how Desi Consulting companies are bringing in a bad name to the entire desi population in this country.

    Found this email from Google H-1B Group: from
    infoprovider_ 2 at yahoo dot com.

    I would like to inform you about the large scale fraud going in the
    technology world today in USA. I know of many small-mid sized IT
    consultancies in US, which are founded by Indians. They recruit people
    (1) with degrees from various fields, most of the candidates recruited
    don't ever have any experience in computers. They train them in some
    tools (2) and change the resume totally (3), someone who has knowledge
    relevant to the job takes the interview instead of the actual candidate
    and they get placed. Ironically, even though these jobs advertisements
    say that around 5 years of experience is required, usually someone with
    not so high aptitude and limited trainig in that parituclar tool (2)
    can manage to sustain in that position, this is very real, these jobs
    can be done that way. They manage to get jobs in the biggest of US
    companies (4).

    This consultancy fraud is know to almost every Indian working in the
    technology sector. The consultancies almost don't take any one other
    than from India and surronding countires like Bangladesh, Srilanka. 99%
    of those i have seen are from India and the remaining 1% from
    Bangladesh, Srilanka etc.

    How many are doing this?
    I believe there would be atleast a few thousands of consultancies.
    Wanna find them? SOme of them advertise in Indian content sites such as Look at the right hand side of the page

    Who is loosing due to this.
    If this jobs can be done by someone with no experience in that
    technology, can't these be done by those americans who have a better
    experience (say 2 years or even 1 year), these folks work sincerely and
    go with correct resumes get X dollars where as the fraudsters get 3X -
    5X dollars.

    I don't say that every one from India are doing this. But a significant
    many are doing this. I know around 30 people working in US in
    technology sector. Over 20 are working this way. I can confidently say
    hundreds of thousands are doing this today and each year at least 50000
    (from student pool, dependents pool, directly coming to the
    consultancies as H1b workers from India) are joining them. Also, I am
    talking about the small to mid sized (1- 1000 people) consultancies not
    the big Indian consultancies such as Infosys and TCS.

    A lot of things can be done. But the simple thing that's easy to
    implement by the americans and thus not impede their productivity by
    spending too much resources in verifying the authenticity is this
    Let the INS provide the details of the H1b holders to the companies
    when asked by the companies only (this is similar to letting others
    e.g., housing provider, know about one's credit history). So, with the
    applicants SSN the companies can see the basic information like when
    the applicant has got his H1b approved and the resume submitted by the
    applicant with his H1b application (usually not many applicants give a
    very wrong resume to the INS while applying for the H1b). This
    eliminates almost all the cases of fraudsters (since they can't come to
    US today, one or two years ago and say that I have been working here
    for 5 years). This is one simple solution, easy to implement.
    There are many othere solutions

    (1) Whom do they usually recruit

    Thousands of students come from India every year to pursue Masters
    degree. They come to pursue Master's in various fields, the fields in
    which they have done their bachelor's back in India. Only about a
    quarter of them manage to get jobs in the fields in which they have
    done their Master's as direct employees of the companies. The remaining
    join these consultancies as they can easily get jobs through the

    Dependents, mostly those who come as spouses (coming as wives). They
    might have done some bachelors degree or Masters back in India in some
    field. Many of them not in computers. They don't have any experience
    there. They can easily be placed by the consultancies.

    SOme others pay these consultancies for sponsoring H1b visa. Typically
    the consultancies take the fee required for teh application and the
    lawyer fee (usually USD 2500-USD3000) . SOme of these cases are those
    with experience in IT in India. But significant number of the remaining
    are not experienced. Recently I have seen people who have been to other
    countries for their studies like Australia and Europe coming through
    the consultancies this way. Even most of these guys have no experience
    in IT, most experience in no field.

    (2) Which technologies they work in
    I have seen that the technologies they work in are in which the pay
    rates are high (because of lack of skillful people) like SAP,
    DataWarehousing tools. They also work in other fields like Testing etc.
    There are literally hundreds of thousands of jobs in these fields.

    (3) How much is the resume changed
    They change the resume totally. Every resume says the person has worked
    in US for over 4 years, doesn't matter if it is someone who came for
    masters to US an year or two years ago or someone who very recently
    came as a wife to someone.
    All most everyone's resumes have over 5 years experience where as in
    reality almost everyone don't have that much experience. If someone has
    that much experience they wouldn't go through these consultants who
    take a big fraction of the pay they get from the clients.

    Can't it be detected?
    No, in most cases its hard (expensive) for the recruiters (the clients)
    to find the authenticity of the resumes submitted. There is no proof
    that these resumes are authentic. Just in case some references are
    needed the consultancies give a dummy reference, and some phone number
    (they can ask some contacts, their acquiantainces working in some
    companies to take the call,if at all they feel that the client will
    find out from the phone number which company does this phone number
    belongs to, but most of the client companies don't go that far too, so
    a guy's mobile number who is working in the consultancy itself can be
    given as referencees contact number). It is hard to remember the voice
    by the interviewer after a few days of the intrview and usually these
    candidates join at least after a week after taking the interview (even
    if the candidate joins in 3 days, its hard to remember the voice as the
    interviewer usually interacts with many people (particularly they being
    in team lead or managerial positions)

    (4) I personally know people working in Microsoft, IBM, TEK systems,
    Cingular, Amazon, Accenture, Citigroup etc. This says such people are
    working in almost every technology company in USA
    So then, how is an American, like me, who spent tens of thousands of
    dollars to get thru 3 yrs. in a technical school that ended with a
    Bachelor degree in Science with Computer Information Systems, with
    honors, supposed to get a job in the IT community while these
    fraudulent (most likely illegal alien Indians) take the positions away
    from me? I worked my a$$ off studying hard, working hard, worked at
    the school, even took an extra course study in computer hardware
    configurations, and STILL, these IT companies DON'T want to even speak
    to me because they OUTSOURCE from these FRAUDS! How FAIR is

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  • Hermione
    09-26 06:01 PM
    And I see your point, but what do you know about the visa rules of your country? Let's say, I want to work in your country - what visa do I need - is there a CAP or quota system - validity, my rights etc. Its wrong to blame average American or any generic population because you are in deep shit. Just my thoughts - no hard feelings!!! Its more about educating people who are interested and IV (henceforth Legal IV) is the platform for doing just that.

    That exactly what my point was - it makes no sense to critisize an American writer for not knowing the difference between H1 and EB.

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  • Penelope Cruz at the Oscars in

    11-20 05:05 PM
    Hi LWPD

    Thanks for your Posting of this URL.

    The URL is no more active and please help me forwarding the specified .pdf file either a PM to me or please attach the same to your reply.

    Alternatively, if you can describe the path on USCIS site, that would be of great help.. I doubt they still hold that .pdf file on site. If you had downloaded this .pdf file. Please help the Team.


    You guys won't believe how glad I am to read a few posts here where some people are standing up for themselves and refusing to take bullshit from certain lousy employers. This will send a message to those kinds of employers that they can't use the immigration system and treat employees like shit while continuing to profit from these hard-working people.

    abc, just one suggestion for you. If you can, hold off until your I-140 gets approved. Once that happens, your 2003 priority date will stick and you can take it with you ( USCIS internal I-140 adjudication manual for your reference ... )

    I wish you all the best with your life.


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  • Penelope Cruz was wearing a

  • Refugee_New
    07-30 11:19 AM

    The issue of GOD and religion has been discussed ad nauseum by many great thinkers and philosophers (Spinoza, Voltaire, Hume, Russel etc.). Most of us do not read their opinions and try to broaden our knowledge. We never get beyond what our parents taught us about GOD and religion. What is worse still is that the allegorical descriptions in religious texts are now treated as facts and we often end up arguing over these as well.

    Having said that, there is nothing wrong in believing in GOD. There is also nothing wrong if someone is not convinced about the existence of GOD. There are valid philosophical arguments for both cases. Lack of mutual respect and failing to see others point of view is what is causing this rift.

    You are true. Every religion preaches their followers to give atmost respect to people of other faith. Being a weak humanbeing we always tend to forget these simple rules.


    penelope cruz white dress. Penelope Cruz
  • Penelope Cruz

  • angelfire76
    02-14 01:13 AM
    I totally agreed with you. This system has to be cleaned. If a system is being misused then the Gov will take some action. I also dont think they want to remove all Indians from US. I believe they will link this system with a new system similar to JRE and TOFFEL so that a police inspector from India can not come as PL/Sql programmer no matter who is hiring. I know my comment will hurt lot of people here.

    I think you just invented 2 new exams "JRE" and "TOFFEL"? Are these the ones that a police inspector (like you?) needs to take to become a PL/SQL programmer? :D

    penelope cruz white dress. Penelope Cruz, out promoting
  • Penelope Cruz, out promoting

  • never_giveup
    09-10 02:25 PM

    This link is now functional and I can hear the audio and video.

    Discussion is about Army immigration. And our Favourite Zoe Lofgren is on the mike !!!


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  • Penelope Cruz never looked so

  • BlueSunD
    03-07 07:28 PM
    Nice one Elisoe.... really sad you couldn�t tweak it more as you might want it to, but hey, we�ve got our first final image, and it�s really cool! Congratulations!

    Those are some sad news 3d Nirvana, but hey, it�ll be really cool if you get the time to showcase something later!

    I would like to know who�s still participating, thought.... just curious :P!

    If you wonder, �m still in! :hugegrin:


    And... Sparky, what�s your question? not that I�m an expert or something, but hey we can try to help, at least with tutorials :)

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  • Penélope Cruz Looks Stunning

  • chanduv23
    09-28 10:25 AM
    Yes, thanks for all your comments, and I would only request everyone to participate more actively on IV stuff. Start building your state chapters, spread the message.

    When IV was expecting 10000 people for the rally only 2000 + came. It is obvious that America needs us and we need America and we must all unite to make this a better place.

    Jane - your points taken. But, it is not all about rasicm. In a cosmopolitan society, everyone is same. It is just the fact that the communities from the majority opposue us.

    A good example is Ron Hira. He is 100% Indian immigrant. He has been one of the architects behind the Durbin Grassley provisions.

    So many people who work against us are the recent green card holders. A good example of such people who lurk in our forums is Senthil1. He got his green card and wants to do as much damage as possible for future immigrants, so that he is always in demand and does not face competition.

    Since 1970s Indians and Chinese have migrated as doctors and engineers and have been in top positions here. If you are trying to immigrate today - you are a direct competition to their children who are raised here with comforts, they are the ones who influence the govt with restrictive policies.

    Recently Jay(logiclife) was on a radio station and the person interviewing jay was a radio jockey of Indian origin. He is definitely not the highly skilled types, and he was behaving exactly like Ron Hira types


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  • Penelope Cruz who gave birth

  • StarSun
    02-22 09:13 AM
    We need your time, your enthusiasm on the advocacy days. IV is a grass roots organization. You are the grass roots.

    We face problems of backlogs, and career uncertainty. IV is offering a solution, if implemented, it will bring relief to all. IV needs your help to deliver what you and I "NEED" AND "WANT".


    We need heavy participation on the lobby days, I need volunteers from different states to ask me "How can I help?" instead, I am trying to find volunteers! I have been able to persuade members who have received GCs to help out, but getting members who are still in the mess are either unaware of the advocacy days (in spite of the thread running on the home page for the past month) or are not ready to talk to the employers to take the two days off. Capitol Hill runs on weekdays and therefore it is necessary for you to take the time off.

    Come on guys, you can do better than this. Donors, members, guests - we are all in this together!

    VA/MD/DC members, please come forward to host members from out of town. Help them to reduce costs!

    Members who have accumulated airmiles, please come forward to donate them.

    Members living in neighboring states to DC (or at least at a driving distance) find friends/members to car pool with you to the event.

    Members who have unavoidable situations at work or home and cannot participate, help fellow members to bear the costs, please donate to their trip. They are willing to take the time off, and will be representing you and your state. Why not help them?

    If you decide that you will support this effort, you will find a way to help. Anything else is just an excuse! Sorry, to say this, but that is just a fact!

    hair Penelope Cruz was wearing a penelope cruz white dress. All white on the night: The
  • All white on the night: The

  • senthil1
    06-12 02:29 PM
    It looks like without H1b restrictions you may not get anything. That is mood in the Senate. If CIR is not coming what is your idea? Skill bill seperately is difficult if not impossible. Last minute they may increase H1b for a few years(But last minute increase of GC is impossible. You might have learned lesson on last lame duck session and February 2007) that will further screw up Gc waiting persons.If CIR comes you can have a chance of some favorable amendment in House if not happens in Senate. Also if you oppose CIR you are joining with your enemy and you have risk of losing crediblity. Compete America does not oppose CIR and they are opposing some portions and trying Amendments and they did not advice to any Senator to oppose the bill

    So what is your point, you say only CIR can bring any relief to eb immigrants and no other bill like skil will be considered, but cir will not gives us any relief at all, so you would prefer a cir without any relief for us rather than not having any bill?

    all this talk about cantwell amendment, what does cantwell amendment offer us, it offers us nothing that we dont already have. Canwell amendment is the best amednment we have so far, that should give you an idea of the pathetic situation we are in. Please start opposing this bill. If not, can somebody enlighten me what is the "good stuff" i am missing in this bill.


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  • anilsal
    12-11 03:44 PM
    I think USCIS is under department of homeland security.

    Department of State is mainly for travel.

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  • needhelp!
    09-26 12:07 PM
    I see the updated text. Good job IV folks!

    But it does seem out of place because the whole article is about H1..


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  • thomachan72
    07-30 11:51 AM

    The issue of GOD and religion has been discussed ad nauseum by many great thinkers and philosophers (Spinoza, Voltaire, Hume, Russel etc.). Most of us do not read their opinions and try to broaden our knowledge. We never get beyond what our parents taught us about GOD and religion. What is worse still is that the allegorical descriptions in religious texts are now treated as facts and we often end up arguing over these as well.

    Having said that, there is nothing wrong in believing in GOD. There is also nothing wrong if someone is not convinced about the existence of GOD. There are valid philosophical arguments for both cases. Lack of mutual respect and failing to see others point of view is what is causing this rift.
    Very well said!!! But I have a feeling that the present generation (I mean ages less than 20) are more distant from religion/religious texts/religios leader/ or even the concept of God than we are/were. Well I dont know a lot among this group but atleast the ones that we meet in India/us seem to be least interested in God / religious talks compared to Ipod/iphone/ps3. Hopefully technology and prosperity will help buffer the rigid often disilusioned teachings of religions or atleast lead the future generations to a common religion/god/gods rather than the present kabillion varieties.

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  • let007live4ever
    03-07 08:44 AM
    I filed 485 , Ead , Ap on my own... But i want to hire Rajiv/Sheela just for
    AC21 package... any idea how much do they charge ?

    Murthy charges $750 if you are existing client. Not sure how much they will charge, if you hire them just for that.


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  • Penelope Cruz was wearing a

  • sugaur
    08-22 09:50 AM
    This person is a racist who thinks we are all "Middle Eastern" who want to blow things up here. She prefers we all go back "where we came from". Read her previous post. She feels she is "owed" a green card even though she broke all the rules. Why are you guys trying to help this person? Isnt it a crime to try and help a person evade immigration laws?

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  • Refugee_New
    12-20 05:23 PM
    Folks, I didn't worked for an year(2001) due to, you know what I am saying....

    Now I am afraid that I would get an RFE because of that. Do you think that I need to worry about it? :(

    Hey, are you from Andhra pradesh?


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  • Penelope Cruz »

  • sanjeev_2004
    06-30 09:33 PM
    In my opinion July 9th onward is the best time to send 485 packages to USCIS. But this is only my opinion and understanding and every one is free to do any thing with their own decisions or with help of their attorney.

    Most of the time my many decisions didn’t proven to be good in past as for as my GC processing goes. So please take your own decision yourself and dont be stressed.

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  • .soulty
    03-11 07:23 PM
    we all done here?

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  • Summer Inspiration Penelope in

  • alex99
    11-01 12:33 PM

    09-28 03:47 PM
    I have heard from people who have worked there that Socialism has eaten away at the insides of the European economy so much that they do not care if an immigrant helps them make more money. Unlike the capitalist US that accepts immigrants (at least to some extent) that bring economic benefit, the EU is one big xenophobic amalgamation of countries.
    Well - though white racists may oppose - anything related to economy and development does go through.

    I personally think that if this proposal goes through - EU will be the next melting pot.

    Racism is there everywhere, we find it in US also, even in India, you find caste system and inter state racism. With rising opportunities, such things may not really be visible especially in places where there are free zones.

    Does anyone has more info on this?

    08-15 04:30 PM
    I think we will GC sooner than anticipated. I think those who filed in July/Aug will get in three/four years. Just a rough estimate. Any one agrees with me?

    If you are from India and your PD is 2006 or 2007, then forget about getting GC in 3 years unless there are legislative changes. Do the math yourself or refer to the umpteen threads here. The most optimistic case means the wait will be 5-7 years...

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